Ginger Ale KitKat

In my previous post, I tried Pepsi Azuki which is a mix of cola and red bean.  Well, I guess I didn’t have enough, so this time it is a combination of chocolate and soda – the result is Ginger Ale KitKat. Only in Japan!

Kitkat Ginger Ale

Just like the Sweet Potato KitKat which I tried earlier this year, this one is also a white chocolate covered KitKat. Well, it still tastes like a regular KitKat, with a hint of ginger ale.  Weird combination, but not too bad.

Kitkat Ginger Ale 1

Finally, do read Tokyo Five’s complete coverage of the many different Kitkats you can find in Japan or Pass The Chopsticks’ Kit Kat Kount.

20 thoughts on “Ginger Ale KitKat

    • Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. Yes, Sweet Potato KitKat was tasty, especially since I love sweet potato to begin with :-). Yes, Japan does have some strange and wonderful snacks.

    • It is. After seeing Bartman’s post I decided to pick up a bag of Kitkat mini’s. These are half regular Kitkat bars, but small, and half the yaki imo bars (baked sweet potato). They smell more like sweet potato than they taste like it. Mostly, they taste like sugar, but there is enough sweet potato flavor to be recognizable. Haven’t seen the ginger ale-flavored ones yet.

      • Actually, I bought about 6 different flavors the other night, plus the azuki Pepsi. I’ll be writing them up on the blog soon. The Pepsi was ok, but nothing I want to buy at full price. My favorite Kitkat flavor was the ginger ale, mainly because I like ginger, but it needs to have the sugar content cut by at least half. The yaki imo bars smell better than they taste. They’re ok, but again, they need the sugar content cut by 50% or more. Can’t taste the artificial flavors over the sugar.

  1. Huh. I haven’t seen that one. Have you tried the lemon and vinegar Kitkat? It’s very good! I like it. It actually tastes a lot like the lemon creme cookies, but with chocolate. I want some now 🙂

    • No, I didn’t try lemon and vinegar. I love lemon creme cookies, but I don’t know about vinegar though. I think Ginger Ale KitKat are now available in all the combinis, but you know they won’t be on the shelves to too long – need to make space for the next KitKat combo.

  2. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  3. You cna never have enough of the weird food in Japan! It’s part of the fun.

    I thought this tasted like stale ginger ale and lemon…not bad, but not great. Half of the bar is still in my refrigerator.

    • Yes, it definitely is fun trying out of their “weird” (though that really depends on one’s point of view) foods – that’s the only excitement I have in my life now 🙂

      Yes, there was a hint of something, and it could have been lemon, but I tasted the white chocolate more.

  4. Pingback: Kinako Ohagi KitKat « Konnichiwa

  5. I love Japan! I am half Japanese, and I have never heard of these… type of Kit-kat 😛 I would like to try some buy, I don’t know where I can purchase any.

  6. Pingback: Photo of the Day: A Shelf-ful of KitKats « Konnichiwa

  7. Pingback: Yubari Melon KitKat « Konnichiwa

  8. Pingback: Green Tea KitKat « Konnichiwa

  9. Pingback: Strawberry KitKat « Konnichiwa

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